Thursday, February 02, 2006

Welcome new readers!

In the last 24 hours, ten readers of A Whole New Mind have agreed to participate in an on-line book study!

At the meeting of our PSD Elementary Arts Network, where representatives from 4 elementary schools, and guests from Aylen JH and Rogers HS gathered to share stories and lesson ideas, the following people agreed to participate in the Orange-Pink book:

Erin Cline - Karshner Elementary
Ginger Liebl - Riverside Elementary
Debbie Munson - Rogers High School
Cathy Piotrowski - Aylen Junior High School
Jo Ann Noel - Spinning Elementary
Wendy Brown - Zeiger Elementary

This morning I had some wonderful conversation about music instruction in our elementary schools. By the time we were done there were two more "Pink Bloggers:"

Nancy Nole - General Music, Fruitland Elementary
Lisa Berry - Principal, Fruitland Elementary

My friend, Glenn Malone introduced me to the book a few months ago. Having developed an interest in brain research and learning long ago, I jumped all over the opportunity to study Daniel Pink's book. I'm glad I did. This is good stuff! I'm looking forward to all the postings and commentary.

Here's how it will work: to begin with, Glenn and I will post comments on this site. Readers can then "comment" by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of each posting. I think this will organize our thoughts and keep readers focused. I'm sure you'll be reading far ahead once you get your hands on the book - and that's OK. However, to accomodate new-comers (I still have 40 books to hand out!) our postings this week will generally be focused upon the Introduction and chapter one: "Right Brain Rising."

Wecome new readers!


Blogger Betsy Fletcher said...

I would love to participate in your Orange-Pink book study! I have read the book and I will gladly reread it!

4:05 PM

Blogger Lori said...

Okay, I want in on this too, my friends. Where's the book?

8:46 PM


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