Monday, February 06, 2006

Chapter One - Right Brain Rising

As far as I am concerned, we could park right here and spend lots of time on "brain research" - particularly as it relates to education and learning. I really enjoy learning about the functions of various parts of the brain. I remember being facinated by Betty Edwards's book years ago (like 21 years ago) and using her work to teach 6th graders in Eatonville how to draw. That was back when brain research was brand new to me, and I think fairly new to the world of educators.

What are your thoughts and experiences with Pink's identification of "four key differences" between the right and left hemispheres of our brain?
1. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body;
the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.
2. The left hemisphere is sequential;
the right hemisphere is simultaneous.
3. The left hemisphere specializes in text;
the right hemisphere specializes in context.
4. The left hemisphere analyzes the details;
the right hemisphere synthesizes the big picture.
At our last Elementary Arts Network meeting, folks were sharing some of their behaviors (quirks maybe) which demonstrated a preferred, or dominant "R-Directed" line of thinking versus a preferred, or dominant "L-Directed" line of thinking. Anyone willing to share some of their own behaviors (or those of an un-named student, spouse or significant other) which exemplifies an "attitude of life that is characteristic" of one side of the brain?


Blogger Betsy Fletcher said...

I have so many quirks it would take me too many keystrokes to list them all. So I am going off topic.
As I was driving to work this morning thinking about brain research and how all those wonderful little gray cells work together to keep me on the road (some brains have to work harder than others-PINK HOUSES ARE DANGEROUS)I saw "the Dude-who-walks-backward" in downtown Puyallup. And I started wondering "What would his MRI look like?" As my brain cells were cookin' along I contemplated "Will there be a time in the near future when doctors can successfully replace areas of the brain that are not working?" We live in amazing times.
It is Valentine's Day! There was a fun post about love (lust), motherly love and your brain at:

2:43 PM


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