High Concept, High Touch
A Whole New Age
Agricultural (Farmers) to Industrial (Factory Workers) to Information (Knowledge Workers)to
Conceptual (Creators & Empathizers)
To survive in the Conceptual Age you need to answer these questions:
1) Can someone overseas do it cheaper?
2) Can a computer do it faster?
3) Is what I'm offereing in demand in a age of abundance?
The key charateristics needed as we move from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age are:
Patterns & Relationships
Story Telling
Human Interaction
MFAs are replacing MBAs
IQ impacts only the professions open to you
Within a profession IQ has only 4 - 10% impact
EQ accounts for the rest.
Meaning is the new money
Pick one topic from Chapter 3 outlined above and give an example of how you have witnessed or experienced this directly.
Recently someone commented to me that the book was not really relevant to classroom teachers. So I started thinking about the comment and wondering why I am reading the book (not like I don't have enough to do) Then I considered the facts, kids are growing up in a changing world and they naturally are creative, love to build patterns, dream of being inventers and delight in telling stories. And since most of the jobs that kids dream of growing up and doing can be done oversees or by a computer, classroom teachers really have an opportunity to provide an atmosphere and experience where kids can grow and accept the challenge of our changing world. And hopefully what I as an educator am offering is in demand in an age of abundance. So I read on!!
9:07 PM
I was really struck by the comment in chapter 4 that improving a school's physical environment would increase test scores. When I think of how many of our school buildings look, I wonder how much of an impact that has on our kids. It is more than just a sense of pride in the building and grounds.
I also had to really think about the metaphor connection. The more we understand metaphor, the more we understand ourselves. Could this by why some people love poetry and others don't?
I've finished reading the whole book. Has anyone else?
1:44 PM
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